Hearthware’s PerfectGreen Pans And Precision Induction Cooktop


The next time you’re fry­ing or us­ing a skil­let at home, take a care­ful look at how it all works. Pay at­ten­tion to not just the stuff in the pan, but the pan it­self, and even what’s un­der­neath. It’s all too easy to take your burn­ers for grant­ed, to as­sume that your cook­top is as good as it gets, whether elec­tric or gas. But even if you don’t want to re­place your en­tire stove or oven, there is a so­lu­tion. And the same is true for your pans- you don’t have to spend a for­tune re­plac­ing an en­tire set, and can sim­ply fo­cus on the small num­ber of pieces that you use most of­ten.

We check out a lot of nifty stuff, from amaz­ing knives to bizarre mi­crowaves. And we’ve al­so seen and test­ed in­duc­tion cook­tops in the past- the Fissler Cook­Star was sol­id, easy to clean, and pre­cise- but ex­pen­sive and fair­ly large. If you don’t have quite that much space, or want to save some mon­ey while still en­joy­ing the lat­est and safest method of cook­ing, we rec­om­mend look­ing at Hearth­ware’s NuWave Pre­ci­sion In­duc­tion Cook­top. Avail­able for around $120, it’s an im­pres­sive price point for a pret­ty so­phis­ti­cat­ed piece of kitchen tech­nol­o­gy.

Let’s start with some in­duc­tion ba­sics, for those who aren’t fa­mil­iar. You’ll need ca­pa­ble cook­ware (more on that short­ly), which ba­si­cal­ly means some­thing that a mag­net can stick to. If you use and love your alu­minum, cop­per, or glass cook­ware, this prod­uct isn’t for you. Stain­less steel and cast iron work great, though. On the plus side, in­duc­tion is far more en­er­gy ef­fi­cient- no waste heat means up to 90% less en­er­gy use- and it is gen­er­al­ly safer (no open flames). It’s clean­er, and im­por­tant for us, ad­justs im­me­di­ate­ly so you can pin­point tem­per­a­tures and change them quick­ly.

With the Pre­ci­sion Cook­top, you can choose to warm, saute, sim­mer, boil, or even sear. You won’t quite get that char, but we were im­pressed at the fair­ly hot and sta­ble tem­per­a­tures the unit was ca­pa­ble of, up to 425 de­grees. The LCD is fair­ly easy to use, and con­trols de­cent- it will take some get­ting used to, but you can con­trol the tem­per­a­ture in 10 de­gree in­cre­ments. The unit’s com­plete­ly portable and weighs on­ly five or so pounds, which might not be a big deal for some users, but makes it per­fect for use in RVs, small­er apart­ments, dor­mi­to­ries, and even camp­ing. You can al­so pro­gram the unit for a spe­cif­ic set of in­struc­tions- say cook­ing an item for a long time, then sear­ing to­wards the end. We didn’t find this fea­ture par­tic­u­lar­ly straight for­ward since it does in­volve a fair bit of man­u­al en­try, but it’s a nice ad­di­tion that isn’t avail­able on your gas or elec­tric stove­top. For non-com­mer­cial users look­ing for an in­ex­pen­sive in­duc­tion so­lu­tion, the Pre­ci­sion In­duc­tion Cook­top is avail­able now, at a great price.

And for those who don’t al­ready have in­duc­tion-ready cook­ware, Hearth­ware of­fers some. Their Per­fect­Green line is made from stain­less steel and us­es a Du­ralon non-stick coat­ing that is free of PFOA and PTFE.. We tried out the Fry Pan, and found it a de­cent val­ue. We liked that their line is oven-safe, though were dis­ap­point­ed that it is not dish­wash­er safe. Al­so, if you’re used to us­ing met­al tools on your pans, this one does scratch eas­i­ly, and should on­ly be used with sil­i­cone or wood­en tools.

Lit­tle to no oil was re­quired, thanks to the de­cent coat­ing- at first. Af­ter a few us­es, we did start hav­ing some trou­ble lift­ing eggs and such with ease. Al­so, the han­dle is not great, and the weight is a bit off. In gen­er­al, you get what you pay for, and this is in­cred­i­bly af­ford­able cook­ware. Just be a bit skep­ti­cal of their com­par­i­son chart (oth­er pans may be more durable, as easy or eas­i­er to clean, and of­fer su­pe­ri­or en­vi­ron­men­tal cre­den­tials). For $20 though, this is a sol­id buy for starter or oc­ca­sion­al use cook­ware.

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